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Discipline and Discipleship

I was thinking today about how I can better discipline my children, and how to discipline them in love, and then I thought, “What would Jesus do?” I thought about how Jesus might have disciplined His own children if He had had children on earth. I know He wasn’t married and didn’t have kids,

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I recently read a book called “For the Children’s Sake” written by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay, examining the educational foundations for home and school. The author devotes a large amount of space in her book to the educational methods of Charlotte Mason, a Christian educationalist who lived some time ago. I found it a very interesting read and found myself not just ‘reading’ the book but almost ‘studying’ it,

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Marie: My Story

For a long time now, I’ve been thinking about writing a blog post about ‘my story’ for those who don’t know me so well – recent friends, new acquaintances, even family, so today I’m actually getting round to it…

During this blog post, I want to mention and highlight a few wonderful people who have all played significant roles in different seasons of my life.

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Update from Zimbabwe

Well it has been one and a half months since my husband and I landed at Harare Airport, Zimbabwe, so here’s a brief summary of what we’ve been up to so far. Our time here has been very fruitful, productive and joy-filled! We have achieved everything we set out to accomplish by the grace of God,

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The Real Africa

The real Africa is the one they never show you. The real Africa is hidden beneath a veneer of poverty and hunger and death; a cancerous mass on the face of the earth the rest of the world term homogenous "Africa"...

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A precious 3 weeks in my home country!

After a long and grueling 15-hour overnight flight from London to Harare, via Joburg, Ant and I finally arrived at my parents’ house to the warm greetings, hugs and kisses of my family. In the past year, they hadn’t changed much at all (apart from my daddy’s and brother Andre’s stomachs appearing a few inches wider 😉 It was great to sit down and catch-up with everyone over a delicious cool lunch of cold meats and salads,

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